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Azencorp is an independent online music label, founded in 2020. We have a keen eye for the most bizarre, controversial, and distinct artists on the scene, giving voices who would otherwise go unheard a chance to prove themselves through their merit as an artist. 

Our founder grew up on food stamps in the slums of Gary, Indiana, performing at bars and open mics until he was discovered by a prominent figure in the music industry (who for legal reasons, we can not name). They gave him the opportunity to work under multiple big names in the industry, earning himself respect among producers and rappers alike, calling him “The Craftsman.” If you’ve been listening to the radio since 2016, you’ve likely heard his work.

The Craftsman made it on his talent and abilities alone, and had he not been discovered all those years ago, he likely would never have reached the level of success he is at. That’s why, after having made his money as a producer for some of music’s most prominent artists, he began work on Azencorp Records, which was a local label for artists in Gary to be heard on local radio, perform at venues, and sell their music. For a while, things worked, but little did any of us at Azencorp know, tragedy would strike. Shortly after a successful first year in business, The Craftsman's best friend, Carl Livenstein, was fatally shot in a drive-by shooting spurred by the controversial lyrics of his latest single, “Free Money.” Fortunately, Livenstein would survive the ordeal, but Livenstein would quit rap forever and the incident left The Craftsman jaded. We decided it would be best to shut down the company, compensating all signed artists and going dark by early 2021.

The Craftsman’s project lay dormant for two years, until he stumbled upon a YouTube channel uploading music with views never reaching over 100. The songs went back to 2015, consistently being uploaded until the day he discovered it. Despite never seeing any real success, this artist kept at it, never giving up on their dream. Something about their determination struck a chord in The Craftsman's heart, and while that artist was never signed, he now knew that he had to revive Azencorp. Keeping the label 100% online ensures the protection of the artists onboard, and works by widespread promotion of our acts online, garnering attention and perhaps more for those worthy of a place on our roster.

So that’s where we are today. Azencorp is proud to have several acts signed, and we’re always looking for more artists to put on our roster. Our recruiting process is unique to us, as instead of asking for just a demo of what you’re capable of, we encourage you to participate in a rap battle curated by The Craftsman himself against one of our own artists. If you emerge victorious, congratulations! You made it! If you lose, woe upon ye, as we must now sacrifice your soul to the dark lord Oregnouh.